


Framer Animations






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We just migrated to our new tech stack docs page!

There are a few broken links that we are working on fixing. Sorry for the inconvinience, will try to fix it real quickly.

Welcome to @UiReact docs

@UiReact is a themed library of react components for react web applications that are built with styled components and framer motion. These components are ready to use 2 colorations for light and dark themes.

We also publish a few utils hooks that help to achieve multiple tasks easier in your applications.

Automatic setup ✨

This is the suggested approach for brand new projects:

npx @uireact/create-next-app@latest

This script will generate a working NextJS project with everything you need set up in the folder you execute it.

Manual setup 🛠️

Select the package manager you will be using:

npm i -S @uireact/foundation @uireact/view

Make sure you also install all the peer dependencies:

We suggest you use Next JS for your react app. They also have a doc page for getting 💅🏾 styled components set up in Next JS.

Create a wrapper component that is used to wrap your views and use the UiView like this:

import React from 'react';

import { DefaultTheme } from '@uireact/foundation';
import { UiView } from '@uireact/view';

export const MyWrapper = ({ children }) => (
  <UiView theme={DefaultTheme} selectedTheme={ThemeColor.light}>

If you used the automatic script this has been taken care already

@UiReact brings a default theme that can be used for your web app, however if you want to customize colors, fonts, sizes, etc... Then you can create your own theme